Hotel MSSNGR is the perfect tool for

What is Hotel MSSNGR?
Watch a short video on how to communicate with Hotel MSSNGR!
Transform your guest communication! 8 communication channels for you to choose from!
Select the guest channels that suit your guests and your property best.
Hotel MSSNGR will improve your communication efforts instantly!
Our digital platform is your solution for guest communication, upselling, team efficiency and guest analytics.
Our key principle: One cloud-based Data Management Hub for all channels
Upselling - with Hotel MSSNGR you will generate onsite revenue larger than € 1,500 per guest and stay*.
*per guests who either performed min. 1 booking/reservation per stay via the Hotel MSSNGR native and web app of the hotel and/or via the hotel staff which used the Hotel MSSNGR back office booking engines to administer this booking. Avg stay was 8.6 days in 2020.
Team efficiency - Hotel MSSNGR saves up to 2 days of the hotel staff’s weekly time for guest communication.
Guest analytics - Would you like to understand the needs and wishes of your guests? Our analytics tool reveals the insights.
Our integrated On-Site Bookings - remote pre-checkin, activity bookings, table reservations - everything you need to book, buy or reserve is taken care of.

Hotel MSSNGR is proud to serve these fine hotels and resorts and many more:
Book a personal demo!
We show you how to find the perfect
communication channels for your hotel
without adding any extra work at all!
Need immediate information?
We speak English, Italian, Spanish and German!
Call us at +49 30 – 12 07 60 86
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